Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Task Functions > SemOpen


Opens a semaphore for access control. When the semaphore is opened, it is initially signalled. Use a semaphore for controlling access to a restricted device, for example, to stop another Cicode task accessing a device while it is in use. You might require semaphores for some Cicode operations, because they can access a device that is critical. (Cicode is a multi-tasking system.)

Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access to a critical section within a single process. This function only works between Cicode tasks within the same process.


SemOpen(Name, Mode)


The name of the semaphore. Follow the naming convention outlined in the topic Tag Name Syntax in the main help.


The mode of the open:

0 - Open existing semaphore.

1 - Create new semaphore.

2 - Attempts to open an existing semaphore. If the semaphore does not exist, it will create it.

Return Value

The semaphore handle, or -1 if the semaphore was not opened successfully. The semaphore handle identifies the table where all data on the associated semaphore is stored.

Related Functions

SemClose, SemSignal, SemWait



See Also

Task Functions

Published June 2018