Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Window Functions > WndInfo


Gets information on the window system (such as the width and height of the various elements displayed by Windows). WndInfo() can also return flags that indicate whether the current version of the Windows operating system is a debugging version, whether a mouse is present, or whether the functions of the left and right mouse buttons have been exchanged.




The system measurement to be retrieved. Measurements are in pixels. The system measurement needs to be one of the following values:

0 - Width of the screen.

1 - Height of the screen.

2 - Width of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar.

3 - Height of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar.

4 - Height of the window title. This is the title height plus the height of the window frame that cannot be sized (SM_CYBORDER).

5 - Width of the window frame that cannot be sized.

6 - Height of the window frame that cannot be sized.

7 - Width of the frame when the window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.

8 - Height of the frame when the window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.

9 - Height of the scroll box on vertical scroll bar.

10 - Width of the scroll box (thumb) on horizontal scroll bar.

12 - Height of the icon.

13 - Width of the cursor.

14 - Height of the cursor.

15 - Height of a single-line menu bar. This is the menu height minus the height of the window frame that cannot be sized (SM_CYBORDER).

16 - Width of the window client area for a fullscreen window.

17 - Height of the window client area for a fullscreen window (equivalent to the height of the screen minus the height of the window title).

18 - Height of a Kanji window.

19 - Non-zero if the mouse hardware is installed.

20 - Height of arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar.

21 - Width of arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar.

22 - Non-zero if the Windows version is a debugging version.

23 - Non-zero if the left and right mouse buttons are swapped.

24-27 - Not Used

28 - Minimum width of the window.

29 - Minimum height of the window.

30 - Width of bitmaps contained in the title bar.

31 - Height of bitmaps contained in the title bar.

32 - Width of the window frame that can be sized.

33 - Height of the window frame that can be sized.

34 - Minimum tracking width of the window.

35 - Minimum tracking height of the window.

76 - x co-ordinate of upper left corner of virtual screen

77 - y co-ordinate of upper left corner of virtual screen

78 - width of virtual screen

79 - height of virtual screen

80 - number of monitors available

Return Value

The system metric information.


width = WndInfo(0);        ! get width of screen
height = WndInfo(1); ! get height of screen
WinPos(width/2, height/2); ! move window to centre of screen
monitors = WndInfo(80); ! get number of monitors available

See Also

Window Functions

Published June 2018