System Projects Reference > Situational Awareness System Projects > Situational Awareness Library Project > Wind Compass | Situational Awareness Library Project | System Projects Reference
Wind Compass

This object shows both current and average wind speed and direction. A black arrow points in the direction in which the wind is blowing, and a dark grey arrow points in the average direction in which the wind is blowing. The lengths of the arrows are proportional to the wind speeds, with a dot representing zero. The arrows are anchored in the middle and rotate around the middle of the compass. For light winds, the arrowhead is not drawn.

All the spokes have the same scale (operating range), which is configured at design time and can be changed during runtime. If the wind speed exceeds this range, the spokes change to full scale and the black full scale indicators are shown.

Property Description
Name Wind Compass
Graphical Representation
Example Equipment Template WindCompass
Associated Composite Genie WindCompass.xml
Equipment.Item Names Associated with the Genie
Equipment Parameters the Equipment Items Expect

Published June 2018