System Projects Reference > Situational Awareness System Projects > Situational Awareness Library Project > Single VSD Drive with Forward/ Reverse Capability
Single VSD Drive with Forward/Reverse Capability

This faceplate is used for a customized VSD drive that has different commands for forward and reverse. This faceplate is similar to the VSD drive faceplate.

Component Description Associated Tags
Drive Symbol

Symbol for the drive associated with the selected equipment.

The mode indicator for the drive is displayed below the symbol.

Output Bar This shows the expected output along the bar and the actual output indicated by a triangle below the bar.  
Mode Indicators for each related equipment

Running State Indicators and control modes for each related equipment displayed below the drive symbol.

The last two characters of the tagname for each drive are shown over each multiple equipment indicator to distinguish between the drives.

Note: If the drive does not have any MEOs, a Running State Indicator and control mode will be displayed for the drive itself in the center position. The last two characters' label and the label above the drive are not shown. The mode indicator is not selectable.

Indicators for up to 5 VS drives can be displayed here.

Mode Buttons

Mode buttons are green when a mode is active, and grey when inactive. When the CtrlMode tag associated with the equipment is 0, the mode is Auto. When the tag is 1, the mode is Manual. This tag applies to Auto and Manual buttons.

The Mode button displays two symbols:

  • The circle in the top-left corner indicates that a command has been sent to the linked PLC. This indicator is not visible otherwise.
  • The rectangle in the top-right corner indicates that the current mode is the normal mode of operation for the equipment.

The following mode buttons are displayed:

  • Auto: Automatic mode
  • Manual: Manual mode
  • Maint: Maintenance mode - This is a toggle button that toggles the "MaintCmd" item from 0 to 1 or vice versa. It is green (active) when the "Maint" item is 1 and disabled when the drive is running. During this time, all non-critical interlocks are bypassed. The circle or rectangle symbols are not displayed on this button.
  • Maint, MaintCmd
  • Start: This is a toggle button to manually start the drive. This button is available only when the drive is in Manual (MAN) mode. This button does not have a "Normal" mode, and therefore does not display the rectangle symbol.
  • Stop: This is a toggle button to manually stop the drive. This button is available only when the drive is in Manual (MAN) mode. It is disabled when the drive is in Maintenance mode. It is disabled when the drive is in Maintenance mode. This button does not have a "Normal" mode, and therefore does not display the rectangle symbol.
  • Forward: This is a toggle button to manually start the drive in the forward direction. This button is available only when the drive is in Manual (MAN) mode. This button does not have a "Normal" mode, and therefore does not display the rectangle symbol.
  • Fwd, FwdCmd
  • Reverse: This is a toggle button to manually start the drive in the reverse direction. This button is available only when the drive is in Manual (MAN) mode. This button does not have a "Normal" mode, and therefore does not display the rectangle symbol.
  • Rev, RevCmd
  • Local: When active, this button indicates that the drive is in local control.
  • Remote: When active, this button indicates that the drive is in remote control.
Equipment Limits

The following limits are displayed on the right-hand side:

  • Engineering High and Low values
  • Practical Value High and Low values

If the values lie outside the practical values, additional indicators are displayed. The color of the equipment limits changes as the meter values change.

If the practical range is the same as the engineering range, the practical range will be hidden.

Alarm Limits

Displays the following alarm limits on the right-hand side:

  • HiHi
  • Hi
  • Lo
  • LoLo

These are the standard analog alarm limits. If these alarm limits are not configured, they will not be displayed.

Note: You can now configure custom digital alarm limits based on the PLC alarm limits.

The FS (Full scale) button can be used to toggle the meter into full scale even when the PV is within the practical range. The units of measurement of the PV are displayed to the right of the FS button.

Note: These tags are used if the UsePLCLimits parameter is "true" unless the PLCLimits parameter has been changed from the default. If UsePLCLimitsParameter is "false", values come from the alarm limit configuration of the PV tag.

Meter Meter displayed for the PV of the equipment.  
Faceplate Inputs

Shown on the right-hand side of the meter. These include:

  • PV (comes from the equipment)
  • PV tracker

Published June 2018