Situational Awareness Projects > Configure Your Project > Create Content Pages

Create Content Pages

Content pages display the user-created content that represents a production process or overview. With a Situational Awareness project, it is recommended that you create content pages that are sized according to the pane in which they will appear. In a default Starter Project, this is the Page Content Area.

As the Situational Awareness workspace is available in two screen sizes (HD1080 and UHD4K), the size of Page Content Area will differ according to the resolution of the workspace master page. You need to consider this resolution when you create content pages. A template page named "pagecontent" is available in the SA_Include project in both resolutions.

If you are building a system that supports multiple resolutions, and you want to adjust the content to suit the increase/decrease in space, then you can apply a suffix to a page name to associate it with a particular resolution. For example, you could create the following pages with duplicated content:

If you use the function Navigation_ShowTargetPageMultiRes( ) to call "MyContentPage", the system will use the suffix to determine which variation of the page to display in the current workspace. For more information, see Configure a Project that Supports Multiple Screen Resolutions.


To activate a page at runtime, you also need to perform the following steps:


When you create pages for a Situational Awareness project, you should also consider how they will align with the project's equipment hierarchy.

See Also

Published June 2018