Situational Awareness Projects > Customize a Project > Create a Pop-up Window with Panes

Create a Pop-up Window with Panes

You can create a pop-up window that includes a set of panes.

In the example above, a button in the main content area launches a pop-up window called "Popup_1".

Popup_1 includes its own sets of panes:

The P1_Content pane is configured to display a page called "Page_2_Content", which in turn has two nested panes:

When displaying content, you can address the panes in a pop-up window using the following dot (.) notation. For example, you could use the following to address the P2_Left pane:



To launch a pop-up window, use the Cicode function WinNewAt.

To create the required content for the window, perform the following tasks:

See Also

Published June 2018