Situational Awareness Projects > Default Layout > Information Zone > Interlocks

Information Zone - Interlocks

The Interlocks tab shows the interlocks associated with the currently selected equipment.

Using equipment references, interlocks link two pieces of equipment so when an event occurs in one, it will trigger an action in the other. For example, if a pump is pumping water through a valve and the valve is closed, the pump should be turned off.

The categories an Interlock may fall into are configurable; however in the Situational Awareness Starter Project the following categories have been provided.

Safety and Process are similar in that both types stop an action when the interlock is triggered. Permissive interlocks are slightly different, they stop an action or process from starting when the interlock is triggered. Process and Permissive Interlock conditions may overlap.

Interlocks can be configured to be bypassed. This means an operator can manually override the interlock, forcing the locked process to be available to start. Interlocks need to be either cleared or bypassed before the equipment can be restarted.

If there is an active interlock, a lock symbol is displayed next to the Interlock category tab. If you right click on the name of the interlock, and select the option Navigate it will take you to the home page of the interlocking equipment.

If your project is based on the Situational Awareness Starter Project, the default columns presented for each row in the Interlocks list include:

Note: The default arrangement of columns is based on a display format that is defined in the SA_Include system project. The format will be named "Interlock_HD1080" or "Interlock_UHD4K", depending on the resolution of the workspace master page. You can adjust this format using the Parameters view in the Setup activity (Project Database Parameters). See the topic [Format]FormatName in the Parameters help for more information about the available display formats.

Column Names (based on display format)



If interlock is active the black lock icon is displayed.

If interlock is cleared a white box is displayed.


If capable of being bypassed but not currently bypassed a grayed out open lock icon is displayed.

If bypassed a purple lock icon is displayed.

If not capable of being bypassed it stays blank.


Description of the interlock. Comment is configured when adding Equipment References.

Interlocks are listed from oldest (triggered first) to newest. When a new interlock is activated it is added to the appropriate list depending on its type.

See Also

Published June 2018