Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Tag Functions | Cicode

Tag Functions

The Tag functions allow you to read the values of variables in I/O devices such as PLCs, and to write data into these I/O device variables. These functions also allow you to control I/O devices and to display information about I/O devices.

Following are functions relating to Tags:


Adds a callback function to a tag subscription.


Reads an attribute value of a tag subscription.

SubscriptionGetInfo Reads the specified text information about a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetQuality Reads quality of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetTag Reads a value, quality and timestamps of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetTimestamp Reads the specified timestamp of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetValue Reads a value of a subscribed tag.


Removes a callback function from a tag subscription.

TagBrowseClose Terminates an active data browse session and cleans up all resources associated with the session.
TagBrowseFirst Places the data browse cursor at the first record.
TagBrowseGetField Retrieves the value of the specified field from the record the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
TagBrowseNext Moves the data browse cursor forward one record.
TagBrowseNumRecords Gets the number of records for a given browsing session.
TagBrowseOpen Initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to the new session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
TagBrowsePrev Moves the data browse cursor back one record.
TagDebug Displays a dialog which allows you to select any configured tag to read or change (write) its value.
TagDebugForm Displays a dialog that allows you to select a variable tag and perform some basic read/write operations.
TagEventFormat Returns a handle to the format of the data used by the TagEventQueue().
TagEventQueue Opens the tag update event queue.
TagGetProperty Gets a property for a variable tag from the datasource.
TagGetScale Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale from the datasource.
TagGetValue Gets the value, quality and timestamp of a tag based on the tag subscription.
TagInfo Gets information about a variable tag.
TagInfoEx Gets information about a variable tag.
TagRamp Increments a tag by a percentage amount.
TagRDBReload Reloads the variable tag database so when TagInfo is called it picks up online changes to the tag database.
TagRead Reads a variable from an I/O Device.
TagReadEx Reads the value, quality and timestamp of a particular tag element.
TagResolve Increments a reference count on a tag to keep it resolved.
TagScaleStr Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale.
TagSetOverrideBad Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Bad Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideGood Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Good Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideUncertain Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Uncertain Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideQuality Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag.
TagSubscribe Subscribes a tag for periodic monitoring and event handling.
TagUnsubscribe Unsubscribes a tag for periodic monitoring and event handling.
TagUnresolve Unresolves a reference count implemented on a tag by TagResolve().
TagWrite Writes to an I/O Device variable.
TagWriteEventQue Opens the tag write event queue.
TagWriteIntArray Writes an array of integers to a tag.
TagWriteRealArray Writes an array of reals to a tag.

See Also

Published June 2018