Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > XML Functions | Cicode

XML Functions

Following are functions related to XML:

XMLClose Deletes an XML document in memory
XMLCreate Creates a new XML document in memory
XMLGetAttribute Retrieves the attribute value of the node from an XML document in memory
XMLGetAttributeCount Retrieves the number of attributes (properties of a node. Each attribute has a name and a value) within an XML document in memory
XMLGetAttributeName Retrieves the name of an attribute (property of a node. Each attribute has a name and a value) within an XML document in memory
XMLGetAttributeValue Retrieves the value of an attribute (property of a node. Each attribute has a name and a value) within an XML document in memory
XMLGetChild Retrieves the child node for the specified parent node in XML document in memory
XMLGetChildCount Retrieves the total number of child nodes for the specified parent node in an XML document in memory
XMLGetParent Retrieves the parent node within the contents of an XML document in memory
XMLGetRoot Retrieves the root node of an XML document in memory
XMLNodeAddChild Creates an element node with the specified Name and Namespace and appends the node to the end of the list of child nodes of specified parent node in the XML document.
XMLNodeFind Selects a single node from the contents of an XML document in memory
XMLNodeGetName Retrieves the name of the specified node
XMLNodeGetValue Retrieves the value of a node from the contents of an XML document in memory
XMLNodeRemove Removes specified XML node from its parent and XML document


Sets the value of the specified node.
XMLOpen Loads an XML file from disk
XMLSave Saves an XML file to disk
XMLSetAttribute Sets the value of specified attribute of the node in the XML document. If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.

See Also

Published June 2018