Runtime Client Tools > Schedules > Operate Scheduler at Runtime > Add a Recurring Schedule Entry

Add a Recurring Schedule Entry

A recurring schedule entry allows you to specify ongoing state changes for a piece of equipment based on a day, week, month or year.

To add a recurring schedule entry:

  1. Create a schedule entry following the steps described in Add a Schedule Entry.
  2. If required, double-click on the required schedule entry in the Scheduler calendar to open the Schedule Entry dialog.
  3. Confirm that the period of time specified by the Start Time and End Time fields is not longer than 24 hours, as this is the maximum period of time supported by a recurring schedule entry.
  4. Click on the Edit Recurrence button. The Edit Recurrence dialog will display.

  5. In the Recurrence pattern section, select one of the following:
  6. In the Special Days Included section, specify on which special days the state change will occur:
  7. In the Range of recurrence section, specify the recurring schedule's Start date and an end date (if required). You can specify an end date using one of the following options:
  8. Click OK to close the Edit Recurrence dialog.
  9. Click OK to save the schedule entry.

Note: To remove a recurrent pattern from a schedule entry, open the Edit Recurrence dialog and click on the Remove Recurrence button.

See Also

Published June 2018