Runtime Client Tools > Schedules > Schedule Inheritance

Schedule Inheritance

If a schedule is applied to a location within an equipment hierarchy that has levels beneath it, the schedule is automatically inherited by the equipment within the lower levels.

For example, the equipment hierarchy in the Citect SCADA Example project includes a top level entry named "Building". A recurring schedule entry named "Office Day" is configured at this level. It specifies an active state commencing at 8:00 AM every weekday.

If you move down one level in the equipment hierarchy to "External", you will see that the "Office Day" schedule still applies (an inherited schedule is highlighted using dark gray). The inherited schedule entries display alongside a recurring schedule configured at the External level named "Daytime".

This means that all of the lights within the "External" branch of the equipment hierarchy will inherit both the "Daytime" and "Office Day" schedules. This creates a conflict at 8:00 AM every weekday, as the two inherited schedules have conflicting equipment states defined.

To determine how this type of conflict is resolved, see Schedule Priorities.

Note: To view inherited schedules in the Scheduler calendar (including any conflicts), select the Configuration View tab (see Scheduler Calendar).

See Also

Published June 2018